Clojure Tutorial

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Summary: Learn Clojure syntax, set up a development environment, then build a fun project.


Want to learn Clojure? Well, this is the place for you!


  • Master the syntax of Clojure.
  • Install everything you need to develop in Clojure.
  • Write code using the REPL.
  • Build a fun app in Clojure.

Learning Clojure can be challenging. It has different syntax (lots of parentheses), a different development model (REPL-Driven Development), and is mainly functional, which may be a new paradigm to you.

However, people who make it through say all of the work is worth it. Learning Clojure has changed how I program for the better, regardless of the language I'm using.

I've tried to make this as fun, smooth, and complete as possible. So let's get started!

Table of Contents

Quick intro: What is Clojure?

Clojure is a functional programming language. It runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It has a different syntax from what you may be used to, but the syntax is simple. Most people pick it up quickly.

People use Clojure for any number of applications, from web development (backend and frontend), to machine learning, to financial services. It shines in multi-threaded programming, data processing, and exploratory programming, among many other strengths. It's used at some of the largest companies in the world and across all industries.

Fizzbuzz: An existing project

Fizzbuzz is a simple program often used to weed out people from interviews who can't manage a loop and a conditional. For us, it will be a great demonstration of how to loop and branch in Clojure.

In Fizzbuzz, we need to print out the numbers from 1 to 100, but if it's divisible by 3, we print Fizz, if it's divisible by 5, we print Buzz, and if it's divisible by both 3 and 5, we print FizzBuzz.

Here's some code. There's one problem in it, but we'll fix that in a minute. But first, let's understand it line-by-line.

(ns fizz-buzz.core)

(defn -main [& args]
  (dotimes [n 100]
      (and (zero? (rem n 3))
           (zero? (rem n 5)))
      (println "FizzBuzz")

      (zero? (rem n 3))
      (println "Fizz")

      (zero? (rem n 5))
      (println "Buzz")

      (println n))))

Let's go through each line.

(ns fizz-buzz.core)

This line defines the namespace our code will live in. A namespace is a unit of organization within Clojure programs that helps you manage your code and avoid name conflicts. For such a simple program, it's probably not worth having a namespace. But you will often see it, so I wanted to include it.

ns defines a namespace

Namespaces have two or more segments, separated by . In this case, we have the segments fizz-buzz and core. core is a common namespace final segment.

Activity: Quiz

Here are some questions and answer choices. Choose the best answer for each one.

  • What is the purpose of a namespace in Clojure?


  • How does Clojure separate segments in a namespace?


  • How do you define a namespace in Clojure?


The next line defines a function:

(defn -main [& args]

This is a Clojure convention. -main is the name of the function that will be called when running a namespace from the command line. The function will be passed the command-line arguments entered in the shell. The arguments are defined by the part in square brackets [& args]. The & is a special symbol indicating that the arguments will be collected into a list. defn defines a function

(dotimes [n 100]

dotimes executes a loop that iterates a fixed number of times. It's one of the several ways to loop in Clojure. In this case, we're executing 100 times. Each time through, the local variable n will be bound to the current number. The first time through, n will be 0, the second time 1, then all the way up to the last time, where n will be 99. dotimes iterates a fixed number of times


cond branches. It stands for conditional. Each branch needs a test and an expression, which is what to do if the test is true. This cond has four branches. The cond goes through each branch one at a time, checking the test. The first one to return true will execute. cond branches to the first branch with a true test

Here's the first branch:

(and (zero? (rem n 3))
     (zero? (rem n 5)))
(println "FizzBuzz")

The test is the first expression, starting with and. It's checking if the number is divisible by 3 and divisible by 5. Let's dive into the expression. Sometimes it's good to read Clojure expressions from the inside out. and does a logical AND operation

(rem n 3)

rem is the remainder function. It divides the first argument by the second argument (here n and 3) and returns the remainder.

rem returns the remainder of a division
Activity: Practice with rem

Below is a code editor. Edit the code to satisfy the prompts at the bottom of this box.

Edit the code to see the result.
  • Find the remainder of 5/3
  • Find the remainder of 6/2
  • Find the remainder of 123/4
(zero? (rem n 3))

We then pass that return value (the remainder) to zero? which returns true if its argument is equal to zero. If the remainder is zero, it means the number is divisible by 3.

We see the same for 5:

(zero? (rem n 5))

Then we combine them with and:

(and (zero? (rem n 3))
     (zero? (rem n 5)))

and does a logical AND operation. It returns true if both of its arguments are true.

Activity: Practice with and

Below is a code editor. Edit the code to satisfy the prompts at the bottom of this box.

Edit the code to see the result.
  • What is true AND false?
  • What does and return when called with no arguments?
  • Call and with true, true, and false as arguments.

Finally, the expression gets executed if the test is true:

(println "FizzBuzz")

This calls the println function with the argument "FizzBuzz". println prints its argument to the terminal, followed by a newline. println prints a string to standard out

The second branch prints "Fizz" if n is divisible by 3.

      (zero? (rem n 3))
      (println "Fizz")

The third branch prints "Buzz" if n is divisible by 5.

      (zero? (rem n 5))
      (println "Buzz")

The final branch is different.

      (println n)

Its test is :else, a keyword. Keywords in Clojure start with a colon (:). They typically represent names of things. Here, though, it's being used for another purpose. Clojure's cond takes branches, each being a pair of test and an expression. It doesn't have a default expression. So we're using :else as a test that always passes. Why does it always pass? In Clojure, most values are considered "truthy" for the purpose of conditional tests. The only two that are not are false and nil. Everything else will always make the test pass. Using a keyword :else is a very common way of making a default branch in a cond.

keywords are a Clojure data type that represent names. Their literal representation starts with a colon (:)

The expressions of this branch simply prints the number as is.

If we run it, though, we get this output:


The first thing printed is FizzBuzz, followed by 1. What's happening? The loop starts at 0 instead of 1. Likewise, the end of the output is 99 when it should be 100.

How can we fix that? Unfortunately, this is the behavior of dotimes. dotimes is still a great tool for this, but we have to add 1 to n. We can add in a local variable to store n+1.

(ns fizz-buzz.core)

(defn -main [& args]
  (dotimes [n 100]
    (let [n (inc n)] ;; bind a local n to n+1
        (and (zero? (rem n 3))
          (zero? (rem n 5)))
        (println "FizzBuzz")

        (zero? (rem n 3))
        (println "Fizz")

        (zero? (rem n 5))
        (println "Buzz")

        (println n))))

We use let to define local variables. The variables are defined in the binding form, which is the part inside the square brackets ([]) that immediately follows the symbol let. let binds local variables

  (dotimes [n 100]
    (let [n (inc n)]

In this case, we're binding one variable, named n, to the value of (inc n). inc stands for increment, and it's Clojure's built-in function for adding one to a number. Adding one is so common, it's worth having its own function for it. inc increments a number by one

Some people will wonder what is going on since we have two variables called n, one bound by the dotimes and one by the let. That's a good point and I should explain.

First of all, there are two different variables with the same name. It's not the same variable being assigned to twice. Each variable has a scope (which means the area of the code over which the variable is defined). In this case, the n from dotimes has a slightly bigger scope since the let is inside the dotimes.

When you reuse a variable's name, it is called shadowing. Shadowing is a common practice in Clojure. It lets you reuse a name and indicate that shadowed variable should not be used within a scope. Inside of the body of the let, we can't refer to n of the dotimes. This can prevent errors. We only want to refer to the n of the let which has the correct value. Shadowing is reusing a variable name

And that's it! That's a Clojure implementation of FizzBuzz.

Phrase-o-tron: An existing project

Speaking of buzz, here's a neat little program that can generate new buzzword-compatible business ideas.

(ns phrase-o-tron.core)

(def adjectives  ["web-scale" "streaming" "distributed" "mobile-first" "turn-key" "climate-friendly"])
(def services    ["sneezing" "laundry" "napping" "chewing" "socializing"])
(def descriptors ["on the blockchain" "using AI" "in the cloud" "for the metaverse" "as a service"])

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [adj (rand-nth adjectives)
        srv (rand-nth services)
        des (rand-nth descriptors)]
    (println adj srv des)))

It outputs lines like this:

climate-friendly chewing for the metaverse
web-scale laundry on the blockchain

Let's go through it line-by-line.

(ns phrase-o-tron.core)

First, we define a namespace called phrase-o-tron.core. Everything defined after this line will be defined in the namespace.

(def adjectives  ["web-scale" "streaming" "distributed" "mobile-first" "turn-key" "climate-friendly"])

This defines a var in the namespace. Vars (not variable) are named constants we can refer to in the namespace. They're called vars for historical reasons. They can do many things, but one that's most relevant to us now is that they can be re-defined during development with a new value. It's the same var but with a different value. That's important for REPL-Driven Development, which we'll see when we write our own code soon. However, they should be thought of as constants that don't change while the program runs.

def defines a var in the namespace with a name and an initial value

This var is called adjectives. Its value is a vector of strings. Vectors are Clojure's built-in sequence type that can be indexed quickly by integers. They are similar to arrays but they are immutable. We create a vector using the literal square bracket syntax ([]). Notice that we don't need commas (,).

A vector is a sequence of values that can be indexed by integers. The literal syntax is square brackets ([]).

(def services    ["sneezing" "laundry" "napping" "chewing" "socializing"])
(def descriptors ["on the blockchain" "using AI" "in the cloud" "for the metaverse" "as a service"])

We define two more vars, services and descriptors, with two more vectors of strings.

(defn -main [& args] ;; args will be a sequence of command-line arguments

Again, the -main function is the entry point into a Clojure program. This will be passed the command-line arguments.

(let [adj (rand-nth adjectives)
      srv (rand-nth services)
      des (rand-nth descriptors)]

We define three locals in this let, called adj, src, and des. We assign each one a random element from the three vectors we defined above. Each one is assigned a value by calling rand-nth on one of the vectors we define above. rand-nth selects a random element from a sequence. nth is a function that takes an integer n and a sequence, and returns the nth element from the sequence. rand-nth doesn't take the integer n, it generates an n randomly. Now we have three random strings that we can put together.

rand-nth chooses and returns a random element from a collection

(println adj src des)

We print the three strings out, with spaces between them. It should output one line each time it runs. The lines should look something like this:

climate-friendly chewing for the metaverse
web-scale laundry on the blockchain
web-scale socializing in the cloud

99 Bottles of Beer

Here's a neat program that prints the lyrics for the song 99 Bottles of Beer. You have all the tools you need to understand this code. Step through each line to see what it does.

(ns bottles-99.core)

(defn -main [& args]
  (dotimes [iteration 99]
    (let [iteration (- 99 iteration)
          next-iteration (- iteration 1)
          word (if (> iteration 1) "bottles" "bottle")
          word2 (if (> next-iteration 1) "bottles" "bottle")]
      (println iteration word "of beer on the wall,")
      (println iteration word "of beer.")
      (println "Take one down.")
      (println "Pass it around.")
      (if (> next-iteration 0)
        (println next-iteration word2 "of beer on the wall.")
        (println "No more bottles of beer on the wall."))

Setting up a Clojure Dev environment

We're going to build an app from scratch, but first, we need to get our development environment set up. We're going to set up the basic tools you need plus an IDE. In theory, you can use whatever IDE you feel comfortable with, but I've chosen VS Code with Calva because it is very popular and has an easy setup. All of the screenshots and keystrokes will use Calva.

For this tutorial, you will need four things:

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK) which includes the JVM and libraries.
  2. Clojure command line interface (CLI) which runs Clojure.
  3. Visual Studio Code (VS Code), an open-source code editor.
  4. Calva, a plugin for VS Code that supports Clojure development.

I have a guide for installing Clojure that covers the three major platforms (Windows, MacOS, and Linux). That guide goes way more in depth and detail. If you have trouble with the installation in this tutorial, check out that guide.

Install Java Development Kit

Download and install the latest OpenJDK LTS (long-term service) release from Adoptium.

Install the Clojure CLI

This step depends on what kind of system you are working on. Choose your system and follow the instructions.


Open a PowerShell terminal.

  1. Install Scoop (click here).
  2. Install dependencies
scoop install git ## if you don't have it already
scoop bucket add extras
  1. Add the Clojure repository
scoop bucket add scoop-clojure
  1. Install Clojure CLI
scoop install clj-deps


Open a Terminal window.

  1. Install Brew (click here) if you don't have it.
  2. Install Clojure
brew install clojure/tools/clojure


  1. Install dependencies.
sudo apt-get install -y bash curl rlwrap
  1. Download the install script.
curl -L -O
  1. Add execute permissions to the install script.
chmod +x
  1. Execute the install script.
sudo ./

Install Visual Studio Code

If you already have VS Code, you can skip this step.

First, get the latest version of VS Code for your system on the VS Code download page.

On Windows, it is an executable installer. Run it.

On Mac, it is a zip file containing the executable. Uncrompress the zip file then drag the application to your Applications folder.

On Linux, install the appropriate package as is typically done on your system. For instance, for Ubuntu, download the DEB file and double-click it.

Install Calva

Calva is a plugin for VS Code for editing and running Clojure code.

To install, first open VS Code. On the left there will be various icons. Click the Plugins icon.

VS Code plugin icon

In the search box, type "Calva". The Calva plugin should be near the top of the list. Its icon looks like this:

Calva icon

Click the little blue "install" button and follow the directions.

Update Calva settings

Calva comes with a great setup by default. However, there is one setting that will be difficult for beginners that we will want to turn off—Paredit.

Paredit is a code-editing mode for doing what is called structured editing. Structured editing is a style of code editing where parentheses are always balanced. That means you can't just add and remove parentheses at any time. Instead, there are commands for expanding and collapsing balanced sets of parentheses and other operations that always maintain open and close parens. I use Paredit, but I don't think it's a good idea to learn those commands at the same time as you are learning an editor and a programming language. So let's turn them off.

Go back to the plugins panel in VS Code, search for Calva, and click the little gear icon next to it. Click that and in the menu that pops up, click "Extension Settings".

Calva extension settings

That will open up the settings page. Along the left, there's a section called "Paredit". Click that. There are two settings you need to change.

  1. Set "Default Key Map" to "none".
  2. Uncheck "Hijack VSCode Defaults".
Calva paredit options

After setting those, you can close the settings tab.

Rock, Paper, Scissors: A complete project

Our first project is going to be a simple game: Rock, Paper, Scissors. In this game, the player will play against the computer. The computer will choose a random move, and the player will also choose a move. Then the game will print out the result and keep score.

We'll take it slow and build up the skills we need to write this game, including learning the syntax, managing input and output, and writing logic.

Let's get started.

Create a Clojure project

Let's create a new Clojure project in VS Code.

First, open the File > Open Folder... option in the menu.

open folder vs code

That will open a modal box. Navigate to the folder you want to put the new project in. The new project will be in a subfolder.

I keep my coding projects in a folder called projects. You can put it wherever you want.

open project folder

Once inside your project folder, create a new folder by clicking the button at the bottom of the modal. Name it rock-paper-scissors.

new folder vs code

Then click the Open button at the bottom right.

open button vs code

Now VS Code has an empty folder open. To make it a Clojure project, we need one file called deps.edn. Create a new file using the new file icon. Then name it deps.edn.

new file icon

Once you have a deps.edn file, you'll notice that Calva detects it and starts. There's just one more thing we need to do.

In the deps.edn file, which is now empty, add an opening and closing curly brace ({}). This is an empty Edn map. Edn is a data format based on Clojure's syntax. We use it in the Clojure world. This one is empty now. Eventually, this is where you'll put libraries you depend on and some other project configuration.

Edn is a data format based on Clojure's syntax. The deps.edn file contains dependencies and other configuration for a Clojure project

Save deps.edn. Now you've got a working Clojure project and Clojure IDE.

Create a Clojure source file

But our project doesn't do anything! Let's make a Clojure code file that we can fill with code.

We need to create an src directory to hold our source files. Click the New Folder icon.

new folder icon

Call it src.

Inside that folder, create a new folder called rock_paper_scissors. Be sure to use underscores. I'll talk about why shortly.

Finally, inside the new rock_paper_scissors folder, create a new file called core.clj.

VS Code will open that file. Calva adds a single line up at the top. This line is called the namespace declaration (or ns declaration for short).


(If it doesn't create the namespace declaration, it could be that the Clojure LSP failed to load. Close the folder and open it again. And add the above line of code yourself.)

It defines a new Clojure namespace. Namespaces typically correspond to Clojure source files. They let you organize your code.

This namespace is called Clojure namespaces need at least two segments, separated by periods (.). It's a typical pattern to see the first segment name the project, and the main namespace being called game. As your project gets bigger, you add new namespaces as siblings to game. For instance, a namespace rock-paper-scissors.util would be in a file util.clj in the same folder as game.clj.

This namespace corresponds to the file src/rock_paper_scissors/game.clj. Underscores are converted to hyphens (because hyphens are not universally allowed in folder names), and slashes are converted to periods. Because the namespace corresponds to a file on disk, the editor (VS Code with Calva) knew how to generate the ns declaration. There's more to it, but that will give you an overview for now.

Jack-in to the REPL

Clojure programmers tend to use the REPL. The REPL stands for "Read Eval Print Loop". When we use the REPL, our IDE is connected directly to a live, running program, and we frequently update the running program (as our code changes) and run little snippets of code to test the system.

Calva comes with a command to start an instance of Clojure and connect to a REPL in it. Open up the VS Code command palette by hitting Command-Shift P (or Control-Shift P on Windows). Type "calva repl" to filter the list of commands. Select "Calva: Start a Project REPL and Connect" from the list.

calva repl command

It will ask you what type of project to use. Click deps.edn.

calva type of repl

This will open the REPL in a window on the right side of the editor.

repl prompt is open

This is where the output of any code we evaluate will go. And we can also run code directly at the prompt.

Just for fun, let's test the REPL. After the prompt (clj:user:>) type the following:

(+ 100 100)

Close the paren (or move the cursor to after the closing paren) and hit enter.

It should print the answer (200) and then present a new prompt.

clj:user:=> (+ 100 100)

That's where the name "Read Eval Print Loop" comes from. The REPL read your code, evaluated it, printed the answer, then looped around to be ready for more input. Clojure programmers use the REPL a lot, but they often don't use the prompt directly. The editor has commands for running code from source files.

REPL stands for "Read Eval Print Loop". It reads the code, evaluates it, prints the result, and loops again.

Let's make our code do something. Type this into game.cj.

(println "Welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors championship!")

Then load the whole file by hitting Alt-Control-c Enter. That is, hold alt and control, hit c, then let go and hit enter. Alt-Control-c Enter loads all the code in the file

Loading the file passes it through the Clojure compiler, then runs it. If we look in the REPL window, we see three things.

  1. The welcome string was printed out.
  2. nil was also printed.
  3. The prompt changed from clj:user> to>.
Welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors championship!

println is the function to print out a string to standard out and then it prints a newline. We called that function, passing it a string as a single argument. Parens mean "function call" in Clojure. Parentheses (()) mean function call

The nil that was printed is the return value of the last line of our file. The last line of our file was the println call. println always returns nil.

The REPL will contain output for standard out and the printed return values. The return value of println is nil

Finally, the prompt changed because loading the file loaded the namespace. Calva is smart enough to move the REPL to the namespace of the current file.

Creating a main function

This is a good first step, but we don't want the message to load every time we load the file. We only want it to run when we intend to run the program. Clojure makes a distinction between loading the file and running the -main function of the file.

Let's define a -main function. The -main function is what is called when you run a program.

Add this code to your game.clj:

(defn -main [& args]

This is an empty function. Let's load the file. (Alt-Control-c Enter).

Notice the string was printed out again in the REPL. But this time, it didn't print nil. Instead, the REPL prints #' We don't need to go into that too much, just remember that loading the file prints out the result of the last line of code. The last line of code defines the function -main.

We can call our function now, but it doesn't do anything! Let's make it do something.

Move the println call into the -main function.

Here's what your file should look like:


(defn -main [& args]
  (println "Welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors championship!"))

Now load the file (Alt-Control-c Enter).

Now it doesn't print the string when the file is loaded!

Rich comment form

We could call the -main function at the REPL (try it if you like!). But let's do something a little more idiomatic. Let's make a rich comment form. We use the term form to mean a Clojure expression. Form means a Clojure expression

At the end of the file, type the following:


This is called a rich comment form. It's one of three ways to comment out code in Clojure. It won't be run when you load the file. But it still has to parse. The advantage is that you can run stuff inside of a rich comment form with your editor with a keystroke. Let's do that now. comment creates a rich comment form

Move your typing cursor somewhere in the (-main) function call. Then hit Alt-Enter. Alt-Enter runs the current top-level form. The top-level refers to two possible things: Alt-Enter runs the current top-level form

  1. The forms in your file that are not nested.
  2. The forms inside of a rich comment form that are not nested further.

When you run Alt-Enter inside of a rich comment form, Calva will execute the form where your cursor is. In this case, it ran -main, which printed the welcome message!

We now have a convenient way to run our game.

Prompting for input and reading

Add the following to the end of the -main function:

(println "Ready to play? Type y, n, or q to quit.")

If you run -main now, it won't print this new message, even after you save the file. Try it. Move your cursor to the (-main) inside the rich comment form and hit Alt-Enter.

Calva does not keep your code up-to-date in the REPL. You have to do it manually. It is a bit inconvenient, but I've learned to appreciate the control it gives me. It's definitely worth learning the keystrokes for loading files and executing top-level forms.

Let's compile the function. You can either load the whole file (Alt-Control-c Enter) or move your cursor to the definition of -main and evaluate the top-level form (Alt-Enter).

Run -main to see it work. I suggest you run things frequently, perhaps more frequently than you think you need, to figure out what's comfortable for you. Programmers new to Clojure are often surprised by how often Clojure programmers run their code. We run code even before we've finished writing it, just to make sure the intermediate steps are correct. Run your code frequently to check your work

Right now, the program just prints and then ends. Let's make it read input from the user.

Add the following line to the end of the -main function:


Then recompile and re-run it.

You should see the same message printed in the REPL. But something else happened that may be hard to see. VS Code has this sneaky little input box that pops up at the top center of the screen. I didn't see it at first. Someone needed to point it out to me. It's black on black. So I'm pointing it out to you to save you some time and frustration. Don't worry, when we're running it at the command line (not in VS Code), it will print and read in the same terminal window.

vs code input box

Find the box at the top and type in "hello" then hit enter. You should see the same string printed to the REPL. Notice that it has quotes.

Why does it print to the REPL? Remember, the P in REPL stands for "print" it prints out the value of the expression you executed.

You executed (-main), which calls the function called -main, which is defined like this:

(defn -main [& args]
  (println "Welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors championship!")
  (println "Ready to play? Type y, n, or q to quit.")
  (read-line)) ;; the last line of the function

When they are called, functions return the last value of the last expression in the body of the function. In this case, that is the call to read-line. read-line returns the string it reads from that little box. Functions return the value of their last expression

We don't want to return the value read from the box. We want to do something with it. Let's save it in a local variable.

Change the call to read-line to look like this:

(let [line (read-line)]

Now compile and run.

You should get the same behavior as before. However, now we introduce a local variable called line. This is called a let form, which lets you bind names to values. In this case, we're calling read-line and binding the return value to the name list. We can now refer to the local variable list anywhere after it is defined within the let, up until the closing paren that matches the opening paren of the let expression.

;; v-- this paren opens the let
   (let [line (read-line)] ;; <-- the closing square brace starts the body
     line) ;; <-- this paren closes the let


Let's do something with the local variable.

We want to branch on the three options we want to present. Let's take a small step, creating a single if expression:

(let [line (read-line)]
  (if (= "y" line)
    (println "Let's start the game!")
    (println "I don't understand your input (yet)")))

Compile and run. Type "y" in the box, then hit enter. You should see our "Let's start the game!" message printed out.

Run it again and enter "n" in the box. It should print the "I don't understand your input (yet)" message.

Let's break down what is happening.

(let [line (read-line)] ;; read input and save to `line`
  (if (= "y" line) ;; compare `line` to "y" with = (pronounced equal)
    (println "Let's start the game!") ;; if they're equal, print this
    (println "I don't understand your input (yet)"))) ;; else, print this

if defines a two-branch conditional. If the first expression is true, it executes the second expression. If it's false, it executes the third. = compares two values for equality. So (= "y" line) compares the string "y" to the variable line. So this expression prints one of two messages, depending on what you type in the box.

if is a two-branch conditional. = compares two or more values for equality

That was a really small step. Let's see if we can do all the branches in one go. I count four ("y", "n", "q", and unknown):

(let [line (read-line)]
  (if (= "y" line)
    (println "Let's start the game!")
    (if (= "n" line)
      (println "You're not ready? Then I'll wait.")
      (if (= "q" line)
        (println "See you next time!")
        (println "I don't understand your input. Please try again.")))))

Compile it. Now, play with it. You should be able to get each of the four messages, depending on what you enter in the box. Congrats!

Here's the thing: Clojure programmers don't want to nest so deeply. When we see nested ifs like this, we want to change it to something flatter. There are several options. For this tutorial, we will choose cond, but you might also want to explore case (for when you want to compare equality to literals) and condp (for when the predicates are all the same; in this case they're all =).

We're choosing cond because it's general-purpose and more useful to learn. And it does the job just fine.

Here's the nested if written as a cond:

(let [line (read-line)]
    (= "y" line)                       ;; test
    (println "Let's start the game!")  ;; expression

    (= "n" line)                                  ;; test
    (println "You're not ready? Then I'll wait.") ;; expression

    (= "q" line)                   ;; test
    (println "See you next time!") ;; expression

    :else                                        ;; test
    (println "I don't understand your input."))) ;; expression

It's much flatter (a single level of indentation).

Let's talk about cond a moment. A cond is a conditional that can have unlimited branches. It is a bunch of pairs. The first part of the pair is the test. The second part of the pair is the expression, which runs if the test is true. The first true test will execute its expression. Only one will run. If none are true, then none are run and the cond returns nil.

In this case, the cond is checking whether the variable line is equal to "y", "n", and "q" in turn. The first one that is equal will have its branch executed.

There is no default case in a cond, but you can easily make a default case by making the last condition be a literal value that always evaluates as truthy. Every value is truthy except nil and false. By convention, Clojure programmers tend to use the keyword :else because it is human-readable. Since it's the last one, if none of the ones above it are true, the :else branch will run. All values are truthy except nil and false

My personal preference is to separate the pairs with empty lines so they are easy to distinguish.

Try out the code. You should be able to reach every branch by giving different inputs.

Our -main function is getting kind of long, which I don't like, but it's also unclear where we should break it apart. I'm going to leave it as it is until it's doing something more substantial.


We need to loop. Every option we choose simply prints and exits. Let's analyze what each option should actually do:

  • "y" should start playing the game
  • "n" should wait for 5 seconds then ask if they're ready again
  • "q" should exit
  • else we should ask again for more input

Let's hold off on building the game and handle the other three cases. Writing those cases will help build the skills we need to do the game right.

First, let's wrap the let with a loop.

(defn -main [& args]
  (println "Welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors championship!")
  (println "Ready to play? Type y, n, or q to quit.")
  (loop []
    (let [line (read-line)]
        (= "y" line)
        (println "Let's start the game!")

        (= "n" line)
        (println "You're not ready? Then I'll wait.")

        (= "q" line)
        (println "See you next time!")

        (println "I don't understand your input.")))))

loop is like a let, but it lets you loop back up to the top with new values of the bindings. loop indicates a place to iterate back to

We know in the default case, where we don't recognize the input, we need to ask again and loop.

Here's what that looks like:

(defn -main [& args]
  (println "Welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors championship!")
  (println "Ready to play? Type y, n, or q to quit.")
  (loop []
    (let [line (read-line)]
        (= "y" line)
        (println "Let's start the game!")

        (= "n" line)
        (println "You're not ready? Then I'll wait.")

        (= "q" line)
        (println "See you next time!")

          (println "I don't understand your input.")

This code is not exactly as I would write it. We can clean it up later. I'm showing it because it lets us work in small steps. Let's zoom in and see what's happening. The :else branch is different from before:

(do ;; do multiple things in a row
  (println "I don't understand your input.")
  (recur)) ;; recur means loop back to the top with a new value

Before, we were only doing one thing, so we could just put that thing as the expression of the branch. But now, we need to do two things. To do multiple things in a row and keep it as a single expression, we can wrap the things in a _do form.

do forms execute each expression in sequence. The value of the do form is the value of the last expression inside it. do executes multiple expressions in sequence

The last expression is a call to recur. recur is a special expression in Clojure that goes with loop. It jumps to the beginning of the loop but with new values for the bindings. In this case, we have no arguments to recur because we have no bindings in the loop.

recur jumps to the beginning of the loop form that contains it

Compile and run this function and enter in some unrecognized input. It will open the text input box again.

We want it to prompt us again to tell us the options we have, so let's move that println into the loop:

(defn -main [& args]
  (println "Welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors championship!")
  (loop []
    (println "Ready to play? Type y, n, or q to quit.")
    (let [line (read-line)]
        (= "y" line)
        (println "Let's start the game!")

        (= "n" line)
        (println "You're not ready? Then I'll wait.")

        (= "q" line)
        (println "See you next time!")

          (println "I don't understand your input.")

Compile and run -main again and try an unknown input. It should now print the "Ready to play?" message after the unknown input. It's looping!

Then try to quit ("q"). It should quit the loop since it's not running recur in that branch.

The next one we'll face is the "n" branch. We need to recur but only after it waits 5 seconds.

        (= "n" line)
        (do ;; multiple expressions
          (println "You're not ready? Then I'll wait.")
          (Thread/sleep 5000) ;; wait 5,000 ms
          (recur)) ;; loop again

Thread/sleep is a built-in Java static method that will sleep the current thread for a given number of milliseconds.

Thread/sleep is a Java static method. Thread (before the slash /) is the class name. sleep (after the slash /) is the method name

Compile, run, and make it go through the "n" branch. Does it wait 5 seconds? It should!

Playing the game

Our final branch to write is playing the game. Our function is already long, so let's break out the game playing into a new function.

Define a new function above -main in the file, like this:

(defn play-game []

It doesn't do anything, but it's a good idea to try to compile it to make sure the syntax is good. Move the cursor inside it and hit Alt-Enter.

Now add a call to that function in the "y" branch:

(= "y" line)
  (println "Let's start the game!")

We add a recur so that it will loop back to the menu when they quit the game.

Playing a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors is just a loop of the same thing over and over: You and your opponent choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors. We compare them. We figure out the result, and we update the score. Then we play again!

Let's set up the main loop of the game:

(defn play-game []
  (loop []
    (println "Choose (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors, or (q)uit.")
    (let [line (read-line)]
      (println "You chose" line)

Compile and run that function. You may want to add (play-game) to the rich comment form to make it easier to run:


It will keep prompting and reading forever. VS Code lets you hit Escape to exit the loop.

Interpreting the input

We're reading a line from the player, but we're not doing anything with it except print it out. Let's make a branch and handle the "q" case:

(let [line (read-line)]
  (if (= line "q")
    (println "Quitting game.")
      (println "You chose" line)

This quits the loop because in the "q" branch it's not calling recur. The function should return and the loop in the -main function should start again.

We're printing the letter that the player enters, but we want to do something with it. Right now, it's just a string. Clojure programmers tend to use keywords to represent named values. Here's how we're going to represent the three possible moves:

  • :rock
  • :paper
  • :scissors

We need to convert the string input from the user to one of those keywords. Clojure programmers tend to use a map to do this kind of conversion. It reads well as code and does the job nicely. Another option would be a function, but we've already seen functions and we need to learn maps. It's also more idiomatic to use a map in this case since the conversion is so simple.

Just above the definition of play-game, define a top-level var like this:

(def ->move {"r" :rock
             "p" :paper
             "s" :scissors})

We're using def to define a top-level var in the namespace. Var is the correct name (not variable) in Clojure, but we won't get into why that is in this tutorial. Vars are used to define constants. The name of this var is ->move, which is pronounced: "to move". It's a convention that conversion functions use -> to indicate transforming from one thing to another.

The value of this var is a map. A map is a collection of key-value pairs. The literal syntax uses curly braces ({}). Maps let you look up a value by its key in constant time. The keys and values can be of any types.

A map is a set of key-value pairs that can be indexed by key. The literal syntax is curly braces ({})

We can then use the var as a lookup table to convert the input line. Let's do it in the existing let so we don't nest more than we need to:

(let [line (read-line)
      move (get ->move line)] ;; convert user input to a keyword
  (if (= line "q")
    (println "Quitting game.")
      (println "You chose" move) ;; show the keyword chosen

We're using the get function to look up the value in the map. The first argument is the map to look up in. The second argument is the key.

get looks up a value in a map given the key. get returns nil if it can't find the key

I want to be able to see the result, so I've changed the println to show the move.

When possible, increase the amount of feedback you get from your code

Let's compile it and run it to see what happens. Try the following inputs: "r", "p", "s", "q", and "j".

All of them work as expected, except "j" which prints "You chose nil". "j" is an invalid move, so we will want to have a branch to account for that. Let's change the if to a cond and check for nil.

  (= line "q")
  (println "Quitting game.")

  (nil? move) ;; a nil move means it wasn't found in the map
    (println line "is an invalid move.")

    (println "You chose" move)

Try it again with these changes.

Playing a round

Well, we're all set to play a real round! Let's make a new function called play-round that takes the move the player chooses. Define it above play-game and below ->move.

(defn play-round [player-move]

Compile it. Then add a call to play-round in the correct branch:

  (println "You chose" move)
  (play-round move)

Let's think about what happens when we play a round. The player has already chosen a move. The computer will have to choose a move. The computer will play randomly. Then we compare the two moves. The result could be a win for the player, a loss for the player, or a draw. The play-round function can do all of that and return the result.

Add a let to store the computer's choice. For now, let's hardcode the choice as :rock so we can test it more easily:

(defn play-round [player-move]
  (let [computer-move :rock]))

Now we want to compare the moves. The result will be represented as :win, :lose, or :draw. The easy one is :draw. It happens when the moves are equal.

(defn play-round [player-move]
  (let [computer-move :rock]
      (= player-move computer-move)

Compile and run the function and test if you can cause it to return :draw. You should be able to by calling (play-round :rock). Passing in :paper and :scissors should return nil.

The next step is a bit of a leap. You could use conditionals here to do it. If you want, you can try it. However, I think there's a more elegant, data-driven way. Just like with the ->move lookup table, using data to represent relationships is very common in Clojure.

Define a top-level var called beats under the ->move var like this:

(def beats #{[:rock     :scissors]
             [:scissors :paper]
             [:paper    :rock]})

This defines a top-level var called beats. It's a set (defined with #{}) that will hold a "table" containing all the relationships of the form "x beats y". Each "row" in the table is a vector of two items, the x and the y. Since it has two items, a vector like this is often called a pair. I added spaces to make it look nicer, like a table.

A set is a collection of unique values. You define them using a hash with curly braces (#{})

We can use this set to determine if x beats y if we know x and y. Here's how:

(defn play-round [player-move]
  (let [computer-move :rock]
      (= player-move computer-move)

      (contains? beats [player-move computer-move]) ;; check if the pair is in beats

      :else ;; not in beats, so it's a loss

The new branches decide if a round is a win or a loss for the player. We call the function contains? with two arguments, the beats set and a pair of the player's move and the computer's move. contains? will check if the pair exists in the set. If it does, it returns true. If it does not, it returns false. If it's not in the set, it must be a loss. contains? checks if a value is in a collection

Compile it and run it with each of the three possible moves (:rock, :paper, :scissors).

Before you move on, make sure you understand what's happening. Using a data lookup where other languages might use conditional logic is very common in Clojure. It's a small win here, but for more significant situations it can be very powerful. It's one of the reasons people like Clojure.

We're now at the point where we can choose a random move for the computer. We will again drive the program from data. There are many ways to do this, but I'll take you through one way that I think will be educational.

First, let's define a top-level var with all of the moves. Put it between ->move and beats.

(def moves [:rock :paper :scissors])

That's again a vector of all the moves represented as keywords.

Compile it.

Now we can use a built-in function for choosing a random element from a sequence:

(let [computer-move (rand-nth moves)]

Compile play-round and try it out again. It's great, but now that I've done it it seems like something is missing. How can we test it? We don't know what move the computer has chosen.

Let's make the function play-round return a map of the play in that round:

(defn play-round [player-move]
  (let [computer-move :rock]
    {:player player-move
     :computer computer-move
     :result (cond
               (= player-move computer-move)

                (contains? beats [player-move computer-move]) ;; check if the pair is in beats


Now when you run (play-round :paper) you will see results like this:

{:player :paper, :computer :rock,     :result :win}
{:player :paper, :computer :paper,    :result :draw}
{:player :paper, :computer :scissors, :result :lose}

We can then manually evaluate whether they are correct.

That does it for play-round.

Printing the result

We're calling play-round in play-game, but we're not doing anything with the result. Let's start by printing out a message. Eventually, we will want to keep the score.

For now, let's print a summary of the round. Replace the branch to play a round with this:

(let [result (play-round move)
      rstring (cond
                (= :win (:result result))
                "you win!"
                (= :lose (:result result))
                "you lose!"
                (= :draw (:result result))
                "it's a draw")]
  (println "You:" (:player result) ", Computer:" (:computer result) "," rstring)

Let's step through this one line at a time. First, we're changing the do to let. let has the same idea of executing its body expressions in sequence. We use a let so we can bind names. We first bind result to the return value of play-round. This will store the result of that round.

Next, we bind rstring to text that describes the result. In this case, we're using a cond to branch on the result and choose an appropriate string. We're also using a handy feature of keywords that let them be used as functions. When you call a keyword like a function, it looks itself up in a map. In this case, (:result result) is equivalent to (get result :result).

Keywords can be used as functions. They look themselves up in a map

Then we print out the result. This will print a line like this:

You: :rock , Computer: :paper , you lose!

It's not perfect, but it's readable.

Finally, we recur to play another round.

Let's make the string slightly better. There are two problems I'd like to fix:

  1. There are spaces before the commas, which is not correct punctuation.
  2. Keywords have :, which is valid Clojure but not what the player expects.

The first is due to the behavior of println. It prints all of its arguments with spaces between them. To have tight control over spaces, we need to pass it a single argument with the exact string we want to print. Let's do that.

We will need to concatenate strings. In Clojure, to concatenate strings, we use the function str. Here is the old println:

(println "You:" (:player result) ", Computer:" (:computer result) "," rstring)

And here is a version using str:

(println (str "You: " (:player result) ", Computer: " (:computer result) ", " rstring))

We're building up a string, which will be the single argument to println. Note also that we had to add spaces where we wanted them because str does not. str concatenates strings

Now it prints like this:

You: :rock, Computer: :paper, you lose!

Problem 1 is solved. Now let's get rid of the extra colons. What's happening is that str, like println, converts the keywords to strings in a way that includes the initial colon. Sometimes that's what you want. But if you want to convert a keyword to a string without the colon, you have to do a little bit more work. And to do that, you'll need to understand the structure of keywords.

Keywords have two parts to them:

  1. Name
  2. Namespace

Many keywords don't have anything for a namespace. They are unqualified. That's what we have. Some examples of unqualified keywords:

  • :rock
  • :paper
  • :draw
  • :result

They're just a name, which is the string "rock", "paper", etc.

Some keywords have namespaces. They look like this:

  • :rock-paper-scissors.move/rock
  • :rock-paper-scissors.move/paper
  • :rock-paper-scissors.result/draw
  • :rock-paper-scissors.round/result

I made up namespaces for those keywords. Notice the namespace comes before the name. They are separated by a slash. These are qualified keywords, or sometimes namespaced keywords. Adding a namespace makes your keywords more universally useful. For instance, if you find a keyword in some piece of data somewhere on the internet, if it has a namespace, you can better understand what it's for. You can track down the code that is meant to read it. And you can be more sure that nobody else is using it, especially if you include the domain name of the project in the namespace. This may seem like overkill, but it's very useful as your community grows and it's common practice in languages like Java.

Okay, so how do we get the string representation of a keyword without the colon? Well, in our our case, we can use the function name, which returns the name part of the keyword. There's also a function called namespace that returns the namespace portion (or nil if it doesn't have one).

name returns the name part of a keyword. namespace returns the namespace part

Wow! Let's add that now.

(println (str "You: " (name (:player result)) ", Computer: " (name (:computer result)) ", " rstring))

Now it prints this:

You: rock, Computer: paper, you lose!

Maintaining state

We're printing a nice message and playing in a loop. We can generate lots of wins, losses, and draws, but we're not remembering them. Let's keep track of the number of each one.

We want to maintain state for each iteration of the loop. To do that, we can add a binding to the loop expression, inside of the square brackets ([]). Let's add a binding called score to the loop in play-game. It will be a map of the three types of results, where the values start at zero and will be added to each round.

(defn play-game []
  (loop [score {:win 0 :lose 0 :draw 0}]
    (println "Choose (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors, or (q)uit.")

When we put a binding in a loop, the name will be initialized when we enter the loop. loop takes bindings like let

Try to compile play-game. You should get an error printed to the REPL.

; Syntax error (IllegalArgumentException) compiling recur at (src/rock_paper_scissors/game.clj:50:11).
; Mismatched argument count to recur, expected: 1 args, got: 0

Notice the second line of the error message. It's expecting one argument to recur but it got none. When you have bindings in a loop, the corresponding recurs need the same number of arguments. Since we have one binding, we need one argument to recur. The value of that argument will be the value of the binding in the next iteration of the loop. By doing this, we can maintain state that is different each time through the loop.

recur needs an argument for each binding in the loop

Let's do the easy one first. Here's our code when we detect an invalid move:

(nil? move)
  (println line "is an invalid move.")

This call to recur needs an argument. We don't want to change the score since it's an invalid move. So we pass in the score unchanged.

(nil? move)
  (println line "is an invalid move.")
  (recur score))

If we try to compile again, we get the same error. We need to add the argument to the other call to recur.

Here's the branch where we play a round:

(let [result (play-round move)
      rstring (cond
                (= :win (:result result))
                "you win!"
                (= :lose (:result result))
                "you lose!"
                (= :draw (:result result))
                "it's a draw")]
  (println (str "You: " (name (:player result)) ", Computer: " (name (:computer result)) ", " rstring))

What do we want to pass to recur? We want the current score, but with the new result added to it. There is a widespread pattern in Clojure that will become easy with time, but when learning it it's kind of difficult. So let's jump into the REPL for a minute. That way, we can play with the code to understand it.

In the REPL, define a var with the same kind of map as we had for the score.

(def score {:win 0 :lose 0 :draw 0})

Now, let's imagine we just had a win. We want to add one to the wins in that map so that it looks like this:

{:win 1 :lose 0 :draw 0}

Adding is easy. Especially adding one. In Clojure, there's a function called inc that adds one to a number. But the number is inside of the map. We could pull the number out, add one, then put the number back. Here's what that looks like:

(let [w1 (:win score)    ;; pull out the number
      w2 (inc w1)]       ;; change it
  (assoc score :win w2)) ;; put it back in

Execute this in the REPL. You'll see that it works. This is fine. But in Clojure, this is such a common pattern that there's a function that does the same thing in one go. It's called update. Here's what it looks like:

(update score :win inc)

It may seem a little cryptic at first. Run it and try it. Then I'll explain.

We pass three arguments to update: the map, the key, and a function. update does what we just did with the let expression above. It takes the value for the key out of the map, calls the function on it, then puts the result of the function back into the map under the same key. update changes a value in a map using a function

Like I said, this is so common that we get used to reading this shorter version. And it's so short we can put it right into the argument position of recur:

(let [result (play-round move)
      rstring (cond
                (= :win (:result result))
                "you win!"
                (= :lose (:result result))
                "you lose!"
                (= :draw (:result result))
                "it's a draw")]
  (println (str "You: " (name (:player result)) ", Computer: " (name (:computer result)) ", " rstring))
  (recur (update score :win inc)))

Compile this and run it. It should give you the wrong behavior. What's wrong? We're always incrementing :win regardless of the result.

We need to tell it what to increment. We notice that the score map contains the same keys as we return in the :result of the round. I did that on purpose because I kind of anticipated this. Because they're the same keys, we can use the :result of the round directly, like this:

(recur (update score (:result result) inc))

Add that code and compile it, then play a game. Well, it isn't very fun because we're not printing it out. Let's print the map out directly to ensure things are working right. At the top of the loop, print out the score:

(defn play-game []
  (loop [score {:win 0 :lose 0 :draw 0}]
    (println score)
    (println "Choose (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors, or (q)uit.")

Then compile and run. It should show you the score incrementing.

Clojure feels so lovely because many things are easily printable. We can print all of the built-in values without any extra work. This means you can get much faster feedback about the behavior of your code.

Printing the state of the game

Although it was a useful step for us programmers, it wouldn't do to show it to the user. We want a better string. That should be easy since we've already seen the pattern. Try out this code:

(println (str "Wins: " (:win score) ", Losses: " (:lose score) ", Draws: " (:draw score)))

Compile everything (it's a good idea to compile the whole file from time to time just in case you've forgotten to compile a function that has changed) with Control-Alt-c Enter. Then run -main.

Well, what a fun game!! (not!)

But I hope you had fun writing it.


In this tutorial, we reviewed some existing code and wrote a whole rock-paper-scissors game on the command line. We installed and configured a Clojure IDE in VS Code. We learned about the REPL and how to use it to evaluate code.

Next steps

Your Clojure journey is just getting started. This tutorial can be a first step. Here are the steps I suggest you take next:

  • Re-enable paredit and learn how to use it. It will take time, but that time will be well-invested. Clojure programmers think in and edit the structure of their code by moving parentheses around instead of typing them all. We use a lot of parens, and it's easy to miss one. That's why paredit helps us manage them.

    • Calva's official Paredit Guide. It visually shows what each command does. It's a good way to understand what kinds of operations are available.
    • The Calva Paredit Cheatsheet is a handy reference. It's more compact than the official guide, so it's great to have open in a tab for quick reference.
  • Learn about Clojure's data structures. Clojure has a rich set of data structures and functions to operate on them. It is impossible to master Clojure without mastering its data structures.

  • Do some Clojure exercises

    • 4Clojure is an interactive site with many small, fill-in-the-blank problems.
    • Exercism has a Clojure track. These are bigger problems that you can get mentoring on.
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