Clojure Gazette 110
Your friendly reminder that if you aren't reading Eric's newsletter, you are missing out…
Lots of great content in the latest newsletter! Really glad I subscribed. Thanks, Eric, for your work.
Eric's newsletter is so simply great. Love it!
Contracts, Conferences, Covens
Clojure Gazette
Issue 110January 18, 2015
Hi there!
Thanks again for being the best readers I could possibly imagine.
Rock on!
Eric Normand
PS Learn more about the Clojure Gazette and subscribe. Learn about advertising in the Gazette .
Clojure/West CFP
Mark your calendars: Clojure/West was just announced. It's happening at the end of April. Plenty of time to fully develop a killer talk. You can submit your ideas now. Also, start talking to people at your company to sponsor the conference . It's a great way to get exposed to hundreds of awesome programmers and it's a good cause.
Lazy Contracts in 30 lines
David Nolen follows up his previous contracts posts. ClojureScript has a feature the JVM Clojure does not: a specific object can extend a protocol. That means that you can add validation to methods for a particular instance. This article explains how this can be used to reduce the overhead of contracts.
Coffee Table Coders - Liberator
A cool workshop is happening in Munich, Germany. If you're writing web servers in Clojure, or might be in the future, you don't want to miss this chance to learn from the creator of Liberator.
29 GIFs Only ScalaCheck Witches Will Understand
This post by Kelsey Innis was so well done, I had to share it.
LambdaCon is a new Functional Programming conference held in Bologna, Italy. Bologna is home to perhaps the oldest university in Europe. It's a beautiful town with great food. The conference lineup looks great, too. Check it out!
Kyle Kingsbury's new system for running distributed folds in Clojure. You can watch this video for an introduction.
Static Prime
An intriguing static website editor.