Clojure Gazette 162: Grace Hopper, Fork, Lisp
Grace Hopper, Fork, Lisp
Issue 162 - February 29, 2016
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Sponsor: Grow Happy Developers Workshop
I managed programmers before and I had no idea what I was doing. All I got was bad work. It was faster for me to do fix it than to explain what was wrong. I was unhappy and, it turns out, so were they. I really wish I had had this training from Marcus Blankenship. I've seen some of the material for this course and it would have solved so many problems. The advice is so simple. It's all about building good relationships with your developers and communicating clearly. Marcus gives you structured tools (think checklists, step-by-step processes, etc) which is so helpful when you're starting out. Thanks, Marcus, for sponsoring the Clojure Gazette.
Grace Murray Hopper: The Original Pirate Hacker Youtube
Melissa Pierce presents a quick biography of this amazing woman. By the way, Melissa Pierce is the director of the Grace Hopper documentary Born with Curiosity .
Checking out CLJSJS Packages
Jonathan Boston explains how to easily include JavaScript packages in your production ClojureScript builds.
!!Con Call for Proposals
!!Con is about "the joy, excitement, and surprise of programming". It's produced some great talks in the past, so consider submitting a proposal.
Lisp: Learning to Think about Thinking
Dave Unger (not the one from Self) explains some of the history and importance of Lisp in podcast form. It's a great way to let your non-programmer friends know why you like Lisp so much.
Jaunt - A friendly Clojure fork
Reid McKenzie has forked Clojure. He's been experimenting with his own language for a while, but, for various reasons he explains in the post, is now using the standard Clojure compiler as his base.
Cleaning up old code with :deprecated
Jonathan Boston again explaining how he sets up his ClojureScript build for deprecating old functions.
Clojure for Fun and Profit
Some folks at eBay built a backend for an iOS app in Clojure. They were new to Clojure, so it's interesting to read about what troubles they had. In the end, they decided to write even more systems in Clojure.
Luna looks like a beautiful, visual programming language.
Truss is billed to be a better assertion library for Clojure. Among its features are zero dependencies and great error messages. From Peter Taoussanis.