Clojure Gazette 165: Newbie, Open Source, Tufte

Newbie, Open Source, Tufte


Issue 165 - March 21, 2016

Hi Clojurists,

Please enjoy the issue.

Rock on!

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Sponsor: How to convince your boss to use Clojure

Some of us learning Clojure or using it in our spare time would love to be paid to write Clojure. A move to a new job might be too much change, but is it possible to introduce Clojure into your current job? It has been done before and documented. This recently update article links to many talks and articles about introducing Clojure to existing businesses and tech stacks.

A Clojure Newbie Guide

Kiran Gangadharan has made a nice intro to the ecosystem.

Websites That Work

Kronda Adair has started an Indiegogo campaign to fund a product to help small businesses make better websites.

What Makes Software Good?

Mike Bostock, creator of D3, explains some great principles for designing APIs, using D3 for examples. And guess what! All programmers are API designers.

Applying the Saga Pattern Youtube

I have watched this Caitie McCaffrey talk about six times. It's chock full of goodness. Lots of technical detail and higher-level thinking. And this is a pattern we will all need in the coming distributed future(/present).

Tufte CSS

I'm really digging this CSS by David Liepmann. It's beautiful and small. And Edward Tufte himself works on it.

Casting SPELs in Lisp

Conrad Barski's classic book has been translated into Lisp Flavored Erlang by Duncan McGreggor.


untangled is a new web framework (frontend and backend). It looks pretty comprehensive.

Onyx Straps in for a Jepsening

The Onyx team has auto-jepsened the system and it appears to have helped them identify and fix real bugs. Read about their adventures.

Open Source Clojure Projects

Daniel Higginbotham (author of Clojure for the Brave and True) has created a directory of open source Clojure projects that are looking for contributors. Check them out and add your project.