Clojure Gazette 199: Clockwork, Personal Computing, Fun

Eric Normand's Newsletter
Software design, functional programming, and software engineering practices
Over 5,000 subscribers

Clockwork, Personal Computing, Fun


Issue 199 - November 14, 2016

Hi Functional Programmers,

As you may have heard, I'm now full-time on It's still not paying a full-time income, but I have plans to grow it and some runway. There's still risk but now is the time.

I've had to think seriously about all of my projects. I've got my blog, I've also got this newsletter. And there's Each has served different purposes for me, but I need to align them better with the goal of growing

The Clojure Gazette has helped a lot of people. I'd like it to help more people. To grow, it will need to expand beyond Clojure and become part of So in the next week, I will be renaming it to the Newsletter. Expect the same format and content you're used to: promoting the best ideas from the history of programming. People are always saying the Clojure Gazette is even great for people who aren't into Clojure. It's time for the name to reflect that.

As part of, I've been collecting email addresses and sending a mostly-weekly email about how the business is going and what I've been up to. This will be merged with the Gazette list. I've done a couple of merges and migrations like this in the past and they're mostly smooth and transparent. Mostly is the key word there. If you don't get another issue in one week, it is probably because of a merging problem. Sign up again and it should be fine. If that doesn't work, send me an email. This email is the last to be sent pre-merge.

Thanks for being there and supporting me on the way.

Rock on!

PS Want to get this in your email? Subscribe !

Building Composable Abstractions Rehearsal 3

I'm still wor king on my Clojure/conj talk. This is the latest rehearsal. It's still long but I know some more stuff to cut out now after this rehearsal. If you'd like a preview of a rough version of the talk, check it out.

The Clockwork Universe

I just finished reading this book about some of the discoveries and inventions that opened up the field of science and destroyed the notion that things in Space act differently from things on Earth. It's a well-told story.


I've been enjoying reading about this web framework recently. It's based on Om Next.

LiquidHaskell Refinement Types for Haskell Youtube

Some cool examples of how to tighten up the type declarations for Haskell functions using LiquidHaskell.

When Computing Got Personal

A pretty complete history of personal computing.

Introduction to clojure.spec Youtube

Arne Brasseur explains the new library in Clojure 1.9, clojure.spec. If you haven't seen it before, check out this introduction.

Functional Programming is Fun

People often ask me why they should learn functional programming. There are so many reasons! So instead of getting all stuck trying to decide which reason to give them, I chose to give all the reasons. This is the first one.

Clojure Remote

Clojure Remote is an online Clojure conference happening in February. Ryan Neufeld, the organizer, has awesome plans for pushing the envelope of online conferences. Sign up for the email list and consider applying to give a talk or lead a workshop.

The Next 700 Programming Languages

Peter Landin's influential paper about designing a language that is expression-oriented. Read this paper.

Sean Allen
Sean Allen
Your friendly reminder that if you aren't reading Eric's newsletter, you are missing out…
👍 ❤️
Nicolas Hery
Nicolas Hery
Lots of great content in the latest newsletter! Really glad I subscribed. Thanks, Eric, for your work.
👍 ❤️
Mathieu Gagnon
Mathieu Gagnon
Eric's newsletter is so simply great. Love it!
👍 ❤️