PurelyFunctional.tv Newsletter 277: Clojure Career Workshop
Your friendly reminder that if you aren't reading Eric's newsletter, you are missing out…
Lots of great content in the latest newsletter! Really glad I subscribed. Thanks, Eric, for your work.
Eric's newsletter is so simply great. Love it!
Issue 277 - May 14, 2018 · Archives · Subscribe
Hi Clojurers,
In January and February, I met online one-on-one with dozens of my members. It was great. One thing that came up over and over was that people were looking for jobs.
I took to the challenge and helped connect people with Clojurists I know around the world. And I helped people develop their side projects to give their resumes a boost.
It was a lot of work but very valuable for them. Now I want to provide that same value to the broader world. I want to help you get a job in Clojure.
If you're interested in getting a job in Clojure, please let me know what you are struggling with. I've set up a simple form with some questions that would help me plan the workshop. Please fill it out.
Please enjoy the issue.
Rock on!
PS Want to get this in your email? Subscribe!
Building a World Class (Clojure) Team
Rebecca Kinsella gave an awesome talk at Clojure SYNC back in February. She was a technical recruiter at Funding Circle and helped to build their awesome Clojure team. I was completely blown away by the depth and candor of the talk. The video is now online and completely transcribed. You can also get her slides.
The Gervais Principle
This theory of large companies by Venktatesh Rao, based on the structure of the fictional world of The Office, created by Ricky Gervais. The analysis is a little too close to home. It mirrored the experiences I had working at large organizations.
An opinionated guide to Haskell in 2018
I have never been in a community of programmers so dedicated and passionate about applying thought and rigor to building software, then going out and actually doing it.
Quite a long guide by Alexis King. It goes over tooling and extensions, and some problems with Haskell, and some analysis of lenses. It's mostly Haskell-specific, but skip around a bit and find some nuggets. My favorite part is the ending: a heartfelt appreciation for her time using the language.
When I write in most programming languages, I must constantly accept that my program will never be robust in all the ways I want it to be, and I might as well give up before I even start. Haskell's greatest weakness is that it tempts me to try.
Abductive Thinking and Sensemaking: The Drivers of Design Synthesis
Jon Kolko discusses the difficulties of showing the value of some of the more cognitive aspects of design. If we want hammock-time to be valued and protected, we will have to go through the same struggles. Bonus points to Kolko for bringing in abduction and Charles Peirce to talk about the design process.
in which a game jam is recounted
Phil Hagelberg wrote a game for the Lisp Game Jam 2018 and won! I love reading these post mortems.
Lector in Codigo
Another semiotic adventure! Alvaro Videla writes about who we picture in our minds when we write code. Should it be the compiler? Another programmer?
Two Kinds of Bootstrapping From the archives
It's well-known that Lisps are bootstrapped. But then I realized that many C compilers are bootstrapped as well. Do these two uses of the term mean the same thing? I believe that they are both bootstrapping, but using different methods.
Domain Specific Languages in Clojure Currently Recording
One of the coolest feature of Lisps is how easy it is to write a new language in them. Domain Specific Languages are very common in Clojure, and I wanted to share the techniques and patterns that I've learned through the years. There are already about 5 hours of lessons. Here are the new ones from last week:
We add a new JavaScript-like syntax to our Crisp compiler using Instaparse.
We finish the JavaScript grammar we started in the previous lesson.
We develop a parser for a Lispy syntax using the Recursive Descent technique.