Gerald Jay Sussman Eric Normand's NewsletterSoftware design, functional programming, and software engineering practicesOver 5,000 subscribersSearch allA Computer Model of Skill AcquisitionTextBooksA computational model for the acquisition and use of phonological knowledgePDFPaperA computational model of skill acquisitionPDFPaperAMORD: A Deductive Procedure SystemPDFPaperAmorphous computingPDFPaperCellular gate technologyTextBooksChaotic evolution of the solar systemPDFPaperConstraints and Hallucinations: Filling in the DetailsVideoPresentationDesign of LISP-based Processors, or SCHEME: A Dielectric LISP, or Finite Memories Considered Harmful, or LAMBDA: The Ultimate OpcodePDFPaperElectrical design: a problem for artificial intelligence researchPDFPaperExplicit Control of ReasoningPDFPaperFlexible Systems, The Power of Generic OperationsVideoPresentationForward reasoning and dependency-directed backtracking in a system for computer-aided circuit analysisPDFPaperFunctional Differential GeometryTextBooksGlobal Productions: Labor In The Making Of The "Information Society"TextBooksHigher-order ProceduresVideoPresentationIn Honor of Marvin Minsky’s Contributions on his 80th BirthdayPDFPaperInformation accountabilityPDFPaperInstructor's Manual t/a Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, second editionTextBooksIntelligence in scientific computingPDFPaperLegacy of ComputersVideoPresentationLisp: A language for stratified designPDFPaperMIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation, 1986VideoPresentationNumerical evidence that the motion of pluto is chaoticPDFPaperProcedures and Processes; Substitution ModelVideoPresentationPropagation of constraints applied to circuit synthesisPDFPaperRevised 4 report on the algorithmic language SchemePDFBooksRevised [5] Report on the Algorithmic Language SchemeTextBooksRevised5 report on the algorithmic language SchemePDFBooksSLICES: at the boundary between analysis and synthesisPDFPaperScheme: A interpreter for extended lambda calculusPDFPaperSome Aspects of Medical DiagnosisPDFPaperSparse representations for fast, one-shot learningPDFPaperStorage Allocation and Garbage CollectionVideoPresentationStructure and Interpretation of Classical MechanicsTextBooksStructure and Interpretation of Computer ProgramsTextBooksTeaching of procedures-Progress reportPDFPaperThe Art of the Interpreter or the Modularity Complex (Parts Zero, One, and Two)PDFPaperThe Art of the PropagatorVideoPresentationThe Conniver reference manualPDFPaperThe Dream of a Lifetime: A Lazy Scoping MechanismPDFPaperThe Dynamicist's Workbench I: Automatic preparation of numerical experimentsPDFPaperThe LISP experiencePDFPaperThe Legacy of Computer ScienceVideoPresentationThe Role of ProgrammingVideoPresentationThe SCHEME-79 chipPDFPaperThe art of the propagatorPDFPaperThe dream of a lifetime: A lazy variable extent mechanismPDFPaperTransparent accountable data mining: New strategies for privacy protectionPDFPaperTutorial: abstraction in numerical methodsPDFPaperWe Really Don't Know How to Compute!VideoPresentationWhy Conniving is Better than PlannngPDFPaperWhy programming is a good medium for expressing poorly understood and sloppily formulated ideasVideoPresentation