Stuart Sierra
Asynchronous Events in Clojure
VideoPresentationA very early talk by Stuart Sierra about responding to messages from the outside world.
Slides are available.
Clojure - Lisp For The Real World
VideoPresentationStuart Sierra explains the motivations and features of Clojure.
Components: Just Enough Structure - Stuart Sierra
VideoPresentationIn this talk, you can learn about Clojure’s Component library, which is a framework for managing stateful dependencies.
Also available: Components Just Enough Structure, Stuart Sierra on Components
Data, Visibility, and Abstraction
VideoPresentationStuart Sierra discusses system design guidelines.
Hadoop + Clojure
VideoPresentationStuart Sierra talks about using Clojure with Hadoop.
Slides are available.
Intro to Datomic
VideoPresentationStuart Sierra introduces Datomic. He touches on the data model, the architecture, and the query syntax.
Learning Clojure: Next Steps
VideoPresentationStuart Sierra brings you deeper into the Clojure mastery with concepts to learn once you’ve mastered the basics with this talk.
The Joys and Perils of Interactive Development
VideoPresentationStuart Sierra talks about the difficulties of namespaces that change during development.
Thinking in Data
VideoPresentationHow to write data-oriented programs.